Arles - Descriptions & Excursions


Arles is considered as one of the most beautiful cities in the South of France. It is located in Provence, on the banks of the Rhone River, in close proximity to Avignon and the Côte d'Azur resorts. The Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 



Arles is a medium-sized city, home to just over 50 thousand inhabitants, who are proud of their rich history. Arles was founded before our era. The city has a long history, and was an important city of the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis. In the vicinity of Arles, battles took place between the Romans and the local Ligurian tribes.


Short 4 minute video about Arles


In the Middle Ages, the city was the capital of the Kingdom of Arles, which in 1239 became part of the County of Provence. Since then, numerous attractions have survived, which today make excursions to Arles an integral part of a trip to Provence.

Arles is now the gateway to Camargue, pland of the Gypsies and meeting place of the Camargue cowboys. Today the ferias or bull runs and bull fights are held in this very same arena (12,000 seats) that was the scene of the Roman games in the first century !


Arles, Provence in the south of France. Quite video of 55 minutes



Vincent Van Gogh and Gauguin

Vincent Van Gogh and Gauguin lived and worked in Arles from 1888 to 1889. For Van Gogh, this period was the most fruitful in his life. Here he wrote "Sunflowers", "Arlesienne", "Red Vineyards in Arles" and the most famous "Cafe Terrace at Night". By the way, the cafe is still operating and is presented in our photo gallery. Gauguin, unlike Van Gogh, did not like Arles. "Everything here is shallow, insignificant - nature and people. Without exaggeration, we can say, the most pitiful hole in the South!" - said Gauguin. This was followed by the story of the severed ear and the hospital, whose courtyard was often painted by Van Gogh. The courtyard, which has practically not changed, can be visited today. Now it houses a cultural center.

More informations about Arles You can find at the Official site of Arles Tourist Office

Excursions to Arles